Committee of ten directors forms the Administration of Gaden Shartse. While the overall head of the Monastery is The Abbot, – Khen Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden,appointed directly by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The senior director supervises daily functioning of the Administration of the monastery. All the directors are elected through equal votes by all senior resident members of Gaden Shartse.
Gaden Shartse is purely voluntary seat to learn Buddhist studies in Tibetan tradition. It is a registered non-profit educational and cultural center. It is purely maintained
through donations and agricultural income. Fifty acres of farming land originally allocated to the initial members of the Monastery in early 1970s forms main source of the economy of the Monastery.
Unlike other educational centers of its kind, it does not receive grants or funds from any Government body. Donations and income raised through sale of crops are channeled to meet the needs of the community. Whenever hardship is faced to make the ends meet,
The Abbot (Khen Rinpoche) and the administration of the monastery seek help from devotees and supporters spread all over the world to see the community through difficult times. We are extremely grateful to our kind, caring and generous supporters and devotees who rescued us through many hard times in past.
The Abbot – Khen Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden
Administration of Gaden Shartse is headed by Geshela and all are elected committee members.
News & Updates
Free webcast on the special occasion of the Enthronement Ceremony and Long Life Puja for the 104th Gaden Tripa
Gaden Shartse Norling Monastery half-yearly examination from November 3 to 9, 2016
2017 Kalachakra in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India from January 2 to 14
His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurating the new “Gaden Trithok Khang” in Mundgod, Karnataka, India
Teachings in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India from 25 December 2013 to 3 January 2014