Tsongkhapa, the founder father of the Gaden monastery was an outstanding practitioner, who lived with very high standard of moral practices. He was a great scholar, who learned under great many masters of his era. He was a renowned debater and thinker, thus he did highly investigative and contemplative research in the field of
Buddhist Studies. He was so impressed with the benefits of debate in learning Dharma, so he employed debate as essential mode to learn Dharma in Gaden, which was later followed by many other major monasteries of Tibet.
Debate is very important tool employed in various major monastic institutes of Tibet. The type of debate
employed in Buddhist monastic training is very unique; each student should take daily lectures on assigned chapter or topic from the text book. Then they should read that chapter thoroughly while comparing notes with other text books on same topic. In the debate session at debate courtyard, each student should choose an opponent from same level and ask questions, the opponent will answer. The exchange of question and answer will grow more complicate, tough and finer as the debate progress.
The present debate hall of Gaden Shartse was built to provide an appropriate facility to the students. The
structure is very useful for debate and various other community events. But maintenance of the structure is challenging task. Ever since dedication of the debate hall
for community, the Education Development Project of Gaden Shartse is maintaining this important and massive structure.
We the Education Supervisor Community of Gaden Shartse mainly supervise the traditional education, specially the debate. This Department was created in year 2007. Since then this department have worked very hard to improve education in Gaden Shartse. This department is under direct supervision of The Abbot (Khen Rinpoche) of the monastery. A group of four Geshe Lharampa under guidance of the Disciplinarian (Gekoe) looks after over all functioning of the department. We make sure every student is participating in regular daily debates and debates are done in proper manner.
Beside the supervision of daily debate we also organize annual seminars on chosen subjects. Annual seminars are modern activities added up in the curriculum of the monastery. After every seminar we publish books to present the outcome of the seminar. The annual seminar provides rare opportunity to the junior students to listen to multiple opinions and interpretation of various scholars on same topic at one platform. Which helps junior students to widen up their horizon, thus it is very helpful activity for the junior students.
The Abbot – Khen Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden,
Education Supervisor Community is headed by Geshe Lobsang Chophel, Geshe Jampa Gyaltsen and Geshe Jampa Sonam committee members.
To upkeep the debate courtyard we need:
1) Crane machine for High Ceiling(around 5 storey high)
2) Offerings of gold paint to 1015 Manjushri statues.
3) Paintings of great Indian pundits, Lama Tsongkhapa and other lineage masters on the wall.
4) Technical installation to reduce echo in the hall.
5) Sound System for chanting & etc.
6) Sponsorship of annual seminars on selected subjects, this year we are doing a special seminar on Tsongkhapa’s Lam Rim Chenpo.
If you like to sponsor any of the above items, please talk to our respective department or email to us at :
Thank you!
News & Updates
Free webcast on the special occasion of the Enthronement Ceremony and Long Life Puja for the 104th Gaden Tripa
Gaden Shartse Norling Monastery half-yearly examination from November 3 to 9, 2016
2017 Kalachakra in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India from January 2 to 14
His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurating the new “Gaden Trithok Khang” in Mundgod, Karnataka, India
Teachings in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India from 25 December 2013 to 3 January 2014