All of us are mere visitors on this earth and we rely on one another for our existence here. Regardless of race, all of us have a naturally compassionate heart to help others.
The monastery relies heavily on the generosity of the sponsors to provide a conducive living environment to our resident monks for their studies and practices of the Dharma. The sangha community serves to propagate the precious Dharma to benefit sentient beings by leading them on the path to liberation and full enlightenment.
With a pure motivation to benefit the sangha, the Dharma and all sentient beings, every donation or sponsorship made accrues great merits to the sponsor regardless of the amount. It is stated in the sutra that that the merits accumulated from making offerings of prayer hall, debate court, bedding, mat, livelihood sustenance and medical help to the sangha community are not only great and vast, they will increase continuously even when the sponsor is sitting, walking or sleeping.
Below are some merit-making opportunities available:
1) Gaden Shartse Norling Monastic College
Presently, the Monastic College has approximately 650 students who actively engage in the studies on various topics including The Collected Topics, Logic, Prajnaparamita, Madhyamika, Abhidharma and Vinaya to sharpen their intellectual capacity and deepen their understanding of the truth.
If you would like to sponsor the education of our students, please contact us.
2) Gaden Shartse Medical Clinic
The monastery places great importance on the health of our residents as nothing can be achieved without good health. To this end, the Clinic has engaged a medical doctor to provide weekly consultation to the monks and a resident dentist who provides dental treatment daily. Medicines are provided to both our resident monks and Tibetans living in the nearby settlements at subsidised rates.
For monks with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure, the cost of long-term medication is a hefty burden. For the monks who unfortunately require surgeries, the cost of surgery and hospitalisation is often too much for them to bear.
If you would like to relieve the medical burden of our residents, please contact us.
3) Garden Shartse Library
The library is responsible for the compiling of certain rare texts and printing of various texts necessary for the education of our resident monks
If you would like to sponsor the printing of dharma texts, please contact us.
4) Food Sponsorship
The monastery provides 3 meals a day to all our resident monks. If you would like to offer a general donation to the food fund, or to offer a meal to our resident monks, please contact us.
News & Updates
Free webcast on the special occasion of the Enthronement Ceremony and Long Life Puja for the 104th Gaden Tripa
Gaden Shartse Norling Monastery half-yearly examination from November 3 to 9, 2016
2017 Kalachakra in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India from January 2 to 14
His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurating the new “Gaden Trithok Khang” in Mundgod, Karnataka, India
Teachings in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India from 25 December 2013 to 3 January 2014