His Holiness 103th Gaden Tripa, Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche
His Eminence Khensur Rinpoche Achok (Ex-abbot)
His Eminence Khensur Rinpoche Dakpa Tenzin (Ex-abbot)
His Eminence Khensur Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden(Ex-abbot)
Gaden Shartse (Current Abbot) Khen Rinpoche Jangchup Sangye
News & Updates
Free webcast on the special occasion of the Enthronement Ceremony and Long Life Puja for the 104th Gaden Tripa
Gaden Shartse Norling Monastery half-yearly examination from November 3 to 9, 2016
2017 Kalachakra in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India from January 2 to 14
His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurating the new “Gaden Trithok Khang” in Mundgod, Karnataka, India
Teachings in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India from 25 December 2013 to 3 January 2014